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What Do Landscape Contractors Do?


Landscape contractors specialize in installing the landscaping design elements provided by professional landscape designers or horticulturists, as well as ongoing maintenance of both softscape and hardscape components of your property. The best way to find landscape contractors is in San Jose, CA.

When selecting a landscape contractor, read their online reviews before making your choice. When possible, search for companies with years of experience and an impressive roster of satisfied customers.


Landscape contractors specialize in designing, installing, and maintaining gardens, lawns, and outdoor spaces for residential, commercial, or public properties. Their services may range from creating complex features like pathways or patios to soft elements like flowers, shrubs, and trees – creating both hard and soft landscaping features in accordance with client requests.

At this stage, contractors meet with clients and discuss their desired vision for their space. After taking into account topography, soil conditions, and drainage issues on the property, contractors suggest ways to enhance it further – for instance, by installing a sprinkler system to keep the lawn watered or advancing adding pavers as walkways. They might even advise how best to deal with pests by offering plantings that repel or introduce insects that eat other types of bugs.

Once a design is finalized, landscape contractors can start installation of it. They will install greenery, hardscaping elements, and any necessary heavy equipment like excavators. Furthermore, they’ll take care of maintaining their garden by regularly mowing, trimming, and pulling any weeds from it.

An undergraduate degree in horticulture, environmental science, or another related subject can help those interested in becoming landscape designers pursue this profession. Master’s degrees are also available and could further your career. No matter which degree path is taken, certifications and memberships in professional organizations must be obtained as this will establish credibility within your industry and help ensure you compete effectively for jobs with other professionals.


Hire landscape contractors who possess all of the required credentials, such as a business license, workers’ compensation coverage, and general liability insurance policies, to safeguard you in case they or one of their employees become injured while working on your property and damages any of your home or other landscaping elements.

When interviewing potential landscape contractors, ensure they take the time to comprehend your goals and budget for the project entirely. Inquire about soil conditions, drainage, and grading issues, as well as design the perfect landscaping solution tailored specifically for you and your property’s characteristics.

A good landscape company will conduct an assessment of your property to identify any existing features – like buried utility lines or overhanging trees – that might cause problems on your lawn, such as excessive sunlight or shade throughout the day, before suggesting an ideal plant palette that compliments it.

Before the crew arrives, make sure you move any items that might obstruct their work area. Remove any unwelcome plants or trees, as well as move any potted plants into a safe spot until your project is finished. If you live in a gated community, be sure to ask whether contractors possess key fobs for accessing your property.


Landscape contractors’ jobs involve extensive planning. This helps bring their client’s visions to life while keeping within budget and timeline restrictions, including any needed subcontractors for tasks such as electrical or plumbing work. Planning also includes inspections; professionals visit each property to assess its size, shape, and topography while noting any obstructions, such as underground utility lines or tree roots, that might impede progress.

Once the plans have been set in stone, construction on landscaping begins. This may involve grading the land – the process of shaping or leveling it to prepare it for plants and outdoor features – or hardscaping, such as creating larger structures such as wood decks and outdoor kitchens. Finally, landscaping may include reshaping the landscape by moving or removing large trees or objects to alter their appearance.

Many landscape companies also provide maintenance services, which include the ongoing upkeep of your yard. This can consist of watering the grass and flowerbeds, mowing, pruning trees or bushes, and spreading fresh mulch on a regular schedule in order to prevent it from deteriorating further. Each landscape’s maintenance needs will differ based on factors like climate and topography – these services should, therefore, be scheduled according to what works for them!


Even though the price may seem like the primary determining factor when selecting landscape service providers, quality, reputation, and testimonials from previous clients should all play a part. Comparing quotes from multiple contractors will allow you to make an informed decision regarding who best fits your property needs.

Landscape contractors typically begin the design process by conducting a site visit to assess the layout and existing features, such as trees or water bodies, in addition to meeting with clients to discuss their preferences and ideas for the project. On larger jobs, they may work alongside an architect in creating detailed designs that have to be approved by local authorities.

Landscape contractors then begin work on the land by using heavy equipment to shape it into an even surface for construction and planting; this process is known as “grading.” Furthermore, trees, flowers, shrubs, and other vegetation will be planted throughout to bring natural elements into the space.

Landscaping costs may seem steep, but they can become more manageable if you shop around and locate an affordable company with competitive pricing. Seek out one with experience in your desired type of landscaping as well as an impressive list of satisfied customers; additionally, choose one who works locally whenever possible in order to reduce shipping fees for specialty items.