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Coinbase Hit With Arbitration Demands From Users Who Say They Were Scammed


Coinbase, the US crypto exchange giant, has come under attack by users alleging fraud. Many are alleging losses amounting to life savings that they claim were perpetrated upon them. The Interesting Info about Crypto Asset Recovery of stolen funds.

Assure the security of your account by always using two-factor authentication (2FA) and creating complex, unique passwords that only you know about. Use tools like Have I Been Pwned to quickly determine whether any breaches have exposed any of your information.


Phishing is a prevalent hacking tactic used against Coinbase users. Hackers send fake emails with links leading to an impostor website that looks just like the official interface and requests login credentials for accessing users’ accounts, with attackers taking over these credentials once in. By giving up such sensitive details, attackers gain entry and may then use them to gain cryptocurrency or sell it back onto other exchanges.

Coinbase-related emails claiming to be from Coinbase urge recipients to log in immediately due to suspicious activity and transaction confirmation, prompting victims to provide their email address, password, and two-factor authentication code – sending this data in real-time directly back to attackers who can then log into Coinbase website and withdraw funds from it.

Once scammers gain access to the Coinbase login credentials of an individual user, they can commit everything from cryptocurrency theft and identity fraud to using the account for fraudulent purchases or selling stolen credentials to other hackers. They could even use it to install malware onto the victim’s computer and infiltrate their device with malware.

Coinbase has taken steps to combat phishing attacks. Their security team recently discovered an SMS technique being employed by attackers who use fake login pages aimed at Coinbase customers using SMS text messaging to target Coinbase customers with phony login pages. They create malicious URLs that are sent out over SMS messaging. When victims click these links, their credentials end up on a fraudulent phishing page where hackers can then transfer money or sell it off on Dark Web marketplaces.

Security researchers have successfully identified attackers and are working to close down a phishing website registered to a Russian IP address using a custom domain, along with an extremely basic CMS to display its page and collect data. Researchers viewed its administration panel,, which recorded every time visitors submitted login credentials.

Phishing attacks typically manifest themselves when an account holder receives an unexpected email from Coinbase asking them to verify their identity, often with text such as: “We apologize for any inconvenience, but please confirm your identity.” You should never respond by providing passwords or two-step verification codes in response to such solicitation attempts.


Hacking is a form of social engineering that employs software to gain entry to computer systems and gain unauthorized access. Hackers commonly use this strategy as part of scams’ attempts to steal money and personal information from victims; hacks may cause severe consequences such as unauthorized transactions and lasting damage to both credit scores and reputations if successful; however, victims can protect themselves by employing various security measures.

Coinbase was recently targeted in a phishing attack aimed at its employees. Attackers sent SMS messages urging staff members to log into a link provided in their SMS. Most employees ignored these SMSs; however, one employee clicked through to log in using that link, giving remote hackers access to Coinbase’s network.

Coinbase’s two-factor authentication controls prevented hackers from making off with any funds, most likely due to an attack by hacking group 0ktapus, which has previously targeted several technology companies such as Twilio and Cloudflare employees over the last year. They are also known for engaging in impersonation schemes on Telegram by leading users away from the app onto fake pages that ask them for login credentials.

Hackers were unable to gain any access to Coinbase’s system and steal any funds; however, they did gain limited information from its directory, including the names and phone numbers of some employees. Coinbase alerted its employees of this incident and advised them to remain vigilant against further attacks.

Coinbase has not disclosed how many employees were affected but did confirm that none of its customers’ accounts had been breached. Still, Coinbase will likely face complaints from affected customers; those hacked may qualify for compensation under various laws, including data privacy violations and breach of contract violations.

According to experts, attackers were taking advantage of an SMS-based multi-factor authentication flaw, which is susceptible to such attacks. According to experts, this security solution is one of the most prevalent and vulnerable ones used for protecting online banking and other services, so consumers need to be aware of this security risk and take appropriate measures to secure their accounts.


One of the primary ways hackers target Coinbase users is through malware. Malicious programs can infiltrate computer systems without users knowing and steal sensitive information – including login credentials – leading to immediate financial losses from unauthorized transactions as well as long-term damage to credit scores and reputation. Victims may also face legal ramifications; one Texas man recently filed suit against Coinbase after losing the equivalent of $50,000 worth of cryptocurrency due to an account breach.

This scam begins with a convincingly realistic-looking phishing email that looks similar to the Coinbase website and reads something like: “Critical security notification” or “Alert: Unauthorized transaction.” Victims are then encouraged to click links within that message, claiming they must act immediately in order to prevent further theft; these fake sites then collect logins for hackers to harvest.

Coinbase users may also be vulnerable to being scammed via malware downloads. Hackers can install remote desktop viewers (RDPs) onto victims’ computers, giving them complete access to devices and accounts – giving the hacker full control to gain entry to Coinbase accounts and steal cryptocurrency funds.

Hackers have used downloads such as these for years to attack cryptocurrency traders and other high-profile individuals, while recently, several major technology companies have experienced significant phishing attacks by hackers such as 0ktapus hacking group, which targeted employees of Okta, an identity and access management company, by convincing them into signing in to fake lookalike websites that look very similar. This allowed the group to steal millions from Okta employees.

Attackers may employ more complex versions of this attack, using text messages purporting to come from Coinbase warning of someone trying to take their money and link to a fake Coinbase website that requests password and verification code information before leading users onto a phishing site that drains their Coinbase accounts.

Coinbase’s employee account protections and two-factor authentication (2FA) offer customers added protection; however, this does not preclude victims from losing money in scams. Victims should keep an eye on their accounts by regularly monitoring antivirus updates, using trusted Wi-Fi networks only, changing passwords periodically, and activating 2FA when necessary.


Coinbase is not directly involved with any cases of fraud or hacking; however, some users have fallen prey to phishing scams and other types of hacking. Some scams involved stealing cryptocurrency or personal data – often via social engineering techniques like fake emails and messages. When encountering any suspected fraudulent activities, it is vitally important that they are reported immediately to Coinbase, as well as any suspicious transactions to your bank, as this will help identify fraudulent charges and potentially refund you any monies due if any transactions were improper.

Common Coinbase Scams include:

Phishing scams: Phishing scams typically come in the form of emails purporting to come from Coinbase that look legitimate but actually contain harmful links or request your passwords or personal data. It would be best if you never trusted these messages and instead verify their legitimacy using email authentication methods such as Sender Policy Framework, DomainKeys Identified Mail, or Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC).

SIM swap scams: Criminals often employ SIM swap scams to trick mobile carrier networks into changing a user’s phone number to another SIM, enabling the fraudster to intercept SMS-based two-factor verification codes and steal crypto from their accounts – this type of fraud has become an increasing risk among Coinbase users.

Investment scams: Scammers often promise high returns on investments, often targeting individuals interested in new cryptocurrencies or initial coin offerings (ICOs). Scammers may use fake websites or promise significant gains on small investments – these scams can prove very costly indeed.

Extortion schemes: Scammers may use your personal information to blackmail or extort you, even threatening to expose your private cryptocurrency wallet on the dark web. Be wary of sites that request personal data in exchange for services or investment opportunities.

If you believe you’ve fallen prey to a Coinbase scam, report it both to your bank and the FTC so they can track and prevent future attacks. Furthermore, contact law enforcement if your credit card has been lost or stolen, and always use a secure browser when browsing online.

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